
Announcement from Nagoya store.

Hello, this is Umezu from the Nagoya store.

On my day off the other day, I went to my senior's shop in Takahama City, Aichi Prefecture.

Milk Glass Cafe Kamifusa


This shop serves delicious hand-ground coffee in milk glass mugs such as Fire-King.

I forgot to take a photo, but the interior design, which the owner did himself, had a nice atmosphere, so if you're in the area, please drop by while you're out touring🏍️

Well, today we have an announcement from our Nagoya store.

DryBones Nagoya store opened in 2005 and is celebrating its 18th anniversary this year.

To show our appreciation to our customers, we have planned a special sale just for our store , so we hope you will come and join us.

The event will only be held for five days from June 1st (Thurs) to June 5th (Mon) , so be sure to save it in your schedule now.

If you would like to know more about the event, please come to our Nagoya store and ask the staff directly.

We have a lot of new items due to arrive this weekend.

Some items sell out as soon as they arrive, so be sure to come by our store and check out the new products!

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